THERE IS THE CINNAMON BARK OIL (Cinnamomum Zeylanicum) AND THE CASSIA OIL (Cinnamon Cassia)
Cinnamon Oil is far more potent than the dried spice and it also contains compounds not found in the dried form. Cinnamon oil is one of the oldest spices known to man.
In biblical times the Ancient Egyptians traded cinnamon (Cassia particularly), because of this its origin was a closely guarded secret.
In the 15 centaury, grave robbers used Cinnamon to try to protect themselves from the Plague. (This is why Cinnamon is used as a part of On Guard ā We will be discussing this oil later in the year).
Traditionally Cinnamon was associated with the ability to attract wealth.
CINNAMON BARK OIL - Origin Sri Lanka, Madagascar, Ceylon
CASSIA OIL Origin - China
Aids to get rid of bacteria
Aids with getting rid of fungal infections (ringworm viral infections)
To help with high blood sugar and diabetes
Also it aids as an anticoagulant
It can assist as a metabolism booster and weight management (including as a detoxifier)
Helps with environmental threats when you have colds or flus (antiseptic)
Also helps to shorten the effect of colds and flus (decongestant)
Helps with Oral hygiene by getting rid of infection
Aids with Kidney infections
Helps with Vaginal health (including thrush or even herpes)
It aids as a sexual stimulator, helping to heighten the sex drive if low libido (aphrodisiac)
It can assist with muscle pain and strains (anti inflammatory)
It helps to bring back emotional balance to our body
Detox for your ears, noses, throat and lungs
Water retention
Upset stomach or vomiting or diarrhea (antispasmodic)
Can help calm ulcers
Can help to get rid of warts
Warms up cold extremities like fingers and toes (apply diluted oil onto the bottom of feet or hands to increase blood flow)
It is amazing to use in cooking to help bring out a spicy aromatic flavour
Helps increase circulation
Aids in helping depression
Fights parasites (ringworm)
Helps with arthritis
Helps with menstrual cramps and PMS
Itās a brain tonic
Blood purifying
Aids with Microbial balance