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Intuition Practice

Intuition is the super power of attaining knowledge without any evident rational input.

It is a gift we all have and something we're all capable of tuning into.

Our grandmas always knew best. And although we can’t scientifically prove that this sixth sense works reliably, we know that intuition works at its best when there is previous knowledge on the situation, or from a previous experience. Even better, the experience can be from your direct genetic line like your grandparents or your parents, which has been stored in your cellular memory.

It seems in this way that intuition and your subconscious mind work very well together. But don’t confuse intuition with instinct. The latter is a tribal response developed from years of evolution, less flexible and more instinctual; while intuition sits more in the divine realms of consciousness.


“To me, a witch is a woman that is capable of letting her intuition take hold of her actions, that communes with her environment, that isn't afraid of facing challenges.”

- Paulo Coelho -


The hardest thing I find with intuition is being able to rely on it, and even more difficult is trusting that my intuition has led me to make the right decision, even though there is not apparent logical reason or sense for this.

The best way to overcome this and to be more confident in trusting your intuition is to practice!

One of my favourite ways is the ‘yes and no’ exercise.

Here's how to do it:


Get comfortable.

Find a quiet and relaxing place where you will not be disturbed.


Tune in.

Close your eyes and take 5 deep breaths, slowly in and out, and as you do, pay attention to the signs in your body.


Ask your body to show you ‘yes’.

When you feel ready, say the word ‘yes’ (out loud or in your mind) and follow by repeating the word ‘yes’ like a mantra in your head. Do it for as long as you need to, while you pay attention carefully to the responses in your body.

How does your ‘yes’ feel?


Ask your body to show you ‘no’.

When you feel ready, say the word ‘no’ (out loud or in your mind) and follow by repeating the word ‘no’ like a mantra in your head. Do it for as long as you need to while you pay attention carefully to the responses in your body.

How does your ‘no’ feel? Any different from your ‘yes’ ?


Give thanks.

When you have finished, thank yourself for this beautiful connection with your etheric body.


How did that all feel?

For me a ‘no’ is very constrictive in my chest, while my ‘yes’ feels open and free.

But ‘NO’ is sometimes a good thing.

The universe doesn’t work on yes or no, good or bad; it works on what is a positive match to your energy, or what is a negative match to your energy. So what you are doing is paying attention to how your body reacts when you need to make a quick decision on something positive or negative for your highest good.

I hope this encourages you to take a moment to harness the best use of your intuition so you can better learn to tap into this incredible resource.

Wishing you an intuitive filled month ahead.

The Enchantress

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